CBD Vapes 101

CBD Vapes 101

Since the passing of the Farm Bill in 2018, countless Americans have come to value the power of CBD, whether it’s for the sake of relaxation, recreation, or even discomfort relief.

And for a lot of individuals, CBD’s become a fixture in daily wellness rituals. It’s no surprise, then, that some folks need something that acts fast and offers discretion.

And that’s when CBD vapes come in!

CBD vapes are fast-acting and portable, and while it may appear complicated, it’s a snap to learn!

First things first: what is vaping?

Medically Reviewed

Dr. Gary Mendelow
Medical Doctor
Reviewed: March 21, 2022

What Is CBD?

There are no CBD vapes without CBD oil, so you must know what CBD is. According to Mascal et al. (2019), CBD is the non-intoxicating chemical compound in hemp and other cannabis compounds. There are many cannabis plants in nature with such active compounds, also called cannabinoids. In fact, there are more than 100 cannabinoids, with CBD being at the top of the most popular cannabinoids. What makes CBD so outstanding? The fact that CBD is non-intoxicating in action attracts many people to it. Besides, according to Watt & Karl (2017), CBD is therapeutic, and many want the therapy associated with the cannabinoid. CBD has become more popular with these two properties, and according to the Forbes Health (2022) report, more than 60% of US adults are on some form of CBD. The wide availability of CBD could be the other reason for the cannabinoid’s popularity. CBD is available in many types and products, which you can easily find online and in stores.

What Are CBD Vape Oils?

There are many ways to take CBD into your system, called CBD delivery methods. You can take CBD through oils and tinctures, the primary way to take the cannabinoid, but you could also opt for CBD edibles, capsules, topicals, and smokable products. CBD vape oils are distillates with high concentrations of CBD. Although they are called oils, there is no actual oil in the CBD vape oils. The word vape results from vaporizing; CBD vape oils are inhaled. Vape oils mostly have PG and VG claimed to increase their availability or digestion, but if you are allergic or sensitive, you must avoid CBD vape oils with these components. CBD vaping is the fastest way to let CBD rest in your system, allowing you experience CBD effects fast. Still, it has cons, as this article later shows.

What is Vaping?

Vapes, also known as “e-cigarettes,” are a form of CBD that’s inhaled as a vapor instead of smoke. The CBD vapor starts in the form of a CBD vape juice, which is kept in a cartridge, that attaches to a specialized battery.

When you turn the vape battery on, the temperature quickly rises until the juice becomes a vapor. This vapor is funneled through the chamber, which creates a billowy cloud when exhaled.

Benefits of Vaping CBD

With all the benefits that come with hemp and CBD products, it’s no wonder they’ve become so popular in the past few years.

Cannabinoids like CBD work for our bodies in several ways, and ahile scientific research is still in its infancy, the amount of anecdotal praise has been astounding.

And CBD has been especially popular among those with stress since it has such a relaxing, mellow-inducing reputation.

And what better way to wind down than with a quality CBD vape?

Not only does CBD have the potential to help you relax, but vaping has a built-in mandatory breathing exercise. And as we all know, deep breathing is central to calming the nerves.

CBD vapes are also fast-acting since CBD tends to hit the bloodstream quickly when it’s inhaled into the lungs.

And while hemp joints and cigarettes are also an option for enjoying inhalable CBD, these also involve inhaling burnt plant matter. Burnt plant matter can pose health risks to the lungs, but CBD vapes are free of it.

On top of that, CBD vapes have less scent, and unlike smoke, their vapors don’t linger, making them a great option for those who seek discretion in their daily CBD.

CBD Vape Oils vs. CBD Vape Cartridges

If you’ve browsed CBD vapes for sale, you might have noticed that most vape products fall under the following: vape oils and vape cartridges, which both work with the help of a vape battery.

So what’s the difference?

CBD Vape Juice

CBD vape juice, also known as CBD vape oil or CBD e-liquid, is the liquid infused with CBD to be inhaled. CBD vape juices are typically made with CBD in a vegetable glycerine (VG) carrier, but they may also include Polyethylene glycol (PEG) or propylene glycol (PG).

CBD Vape Cartridges

CBD vape cartridges are the tanks meant to hold the vape juice. Vape cartridges are screwed into the vape battery and are available in disposable or refillable versions.

Both types of cartridges come with their own pros and cons, but the cost is always a major factor. Generally speaking, juices and e-liquids tend to be a little less expensive than disposable cartridges.

But luckily, you can find both juices and cartridges at affordable prices.

CBD Vapes and the FDA

Many people are concerned about how the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) will impact CBD vapes, largely due to the release of their non-binding guidance in 2020.

In this guidance, e-cigarettes are identified as a priority subject of enforcement, partly due to the increasing cases involving minors.

However, the language of this guidance mostly targets nicotine and tobacco products, which is a large problem contributing to minors being attracted to vapes.

And because hemp is still not regulated, the distinction becomes even vaguer.

It could be justified, then, that this guidance doesn’t cover hemp or CBD products that do not contain nicotine or tobacco.

With this rationale, it’s been widely interpreted that CBD vapes and vape cartridges are, at this point, still legal as long as they do not contain nicotine.

Side Effects of Vaping CBD

Those familiar with CBD vapes may be familiar with side effects, which, while rare, include the following:

● drowsiness

● fatigue

● dry mouth

● diarrhea

● nausea

● reduced appetite

Potential allergens can also be a factor, especially in the case of vaping CBD. Because of this, it’s important that individuals stay informed on the potential risks when vaping CBD.

A small number of users may find themselves allergic to some of the components in CBD vapes. And in some cases, products were reported to contain contaminants.

One of the most concerning factors of CBD vaping is cases involving vitamin E acetate.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that’s incredibly beneficial in our diets and skincare, but it’s potentially quite dangerous to vape.

In the summer of 2019, there were reports of individuals experiencing long-lasting, damaging effects from vaping products containing vitamin E acetate, and these products were all traced back to THC vape cartridges that were bought off the black market.

There have also been concerns regarding the metals that make up the heating coils. In these cases, however, it’s been reported that high-quality metals like stainless steel, Kanthal, and titanium do not pose a significant risk. Metals are more of an issue in lesser-quality, knock-off vapes.

Individuals should also be aware that a small portion of the population is allergic to PG or VG, which are the main components of vape oil. Those allergic to PG or VG may experience side effects such as nausea, headaches, and irritated sinuses. If you experience any of these side effects from CBD vapes, stop using your vape. That being said, CBD could still be an option for you! Instead of vapes, try exploring other options like CBD gummies, tinctures, or capsules.

Ultimately, users must be aware that the risks of vaping CBD are still being researched, and the industry’s understanding of the product is still growing.

Which Strengths of CBD Vape Oil Do I Focus on?

Are you going to shop for CBD vape oils? You must know many things, including which strengths of the vape oils to focus on. Sadly, there are no recommendations on what potency to focus on while buying CBD vape oils and how much to vape once you have the oils. The FDA does not look at CBD as a medication, so it does not offer any suggestions on what strengths you must focus on while buying CBD vape oil. Still, as a general rule of thumb, keep your CBD potency and dosage low when new to the CBD world. As time goes by, you can always work your way up to take more CBD and focus on more potent options. Still, if you must determine the CBD strength to buy when shopping for CBD vape oils, allow the following factors to influence your choice;

i. CBD metabolism; if your system can process more CVBD, you can focus on more potent CBD vape oils, and the reverse is true for slow metabolism.

ii. CBD history; keep your CBD consumption low as you join the CBD world but work your way up as you gain CBD experience.

iii. Body composition; your body makeup may also affect the CBD metabolism, ultimately affecting how much CBD your system can sustain.

iv. Why you are taking CBD; people who vape to use CBD for managing a health condition likely opt for high-potency CBD vape oils, while those taking them for general health or fun are home with low potency for the CVBD vape oils.

How Much CBD Should I Vape?

Besides knowing the right strength of CBD vape oil to focus on, you must know how much CBD you can vape. As with CBD vape oil strength, there are no recommendations on how much you can vape CBD. Still, the general rule of thumb applies; keep your CBD use and dosage low when new to the CBD world, but you can always work your way up. Most CBD vape newcomers take a few puffs of the CBD vape oil and allow about 5 minutes to pass below trying another blow. The more you allow time to pass between the first and subsequent vapes, the more you allow your body to benefit from it.

Which Types of CBD Are in CBD Vape Oil?

CBD vape oil is one thing, but if you must buy it, you must choose between CBD isolate, full- and broad-spectrum CBD. All these are the three types of CBD you must choose from when buying any CBD product. CBD isolates are pure forms of CBD featuring the cannabinoid without terpenes, flavonoids, or additional hemp compounds. It is best for beginners starting on the CBD world who need something less earthy and bitter. Meanwhile, full- and broad-spectrum CBD is great for CBD vets and beginners who need CBD with earthy tastes since they feature terpenes, phytocannabinoids, and flavonoids beside CBD. Full-spectrum CBD has THC, but broad-spectrum CBD does not have THC, making it great for people who need a THC-free full entourage effect. CBD vape oils have isolate and full-spectrum CBD, the latter having more compounds than isolate vape oils.

CBD Vaping Pros

Vaping CBD is the fastest way to get CBD to your system. Are you looking for immediate CBD effects? Vaping will be your ideal CBD delivery method. The other benefit of CBD vaping is its high bioavailability. Bioavailability is the measure of how fast you take CBD, how long it takes the effects to be out, and how much the body benefits from the CBD. There is no perfect way to take CBD since each method has cons you have to deal with. However, vaping allows the effects to surface fast since the CBD in the CBD vape oils reaches your system faster. Thus, vaping CBD ensures high bioavailability. Vaping does not involve digestion, and the shorter the time it takes CBD to get to the body, the faster the effects take to surface.

Cons of CBD Vaping?

Despite the many pros, vaping CBD comes with the cons the user has to deal with. The main concern with CBD vaping is that it may end up irritating the lungs, as do other types of vaping. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, (2020), CBD and substance vaping increase the risks of lung irritation and cancers. Besides, there were many cases of hospitalizations in 2020 because of vaping, as the report noted. This is not all. According to AP News (2019), the CBD vape world is largely unregulated and sees the production of CBD oils with contaminants, further showing that vaping CBD is as good as introducing contaminants to the body. Thus, even as you enjoy fast CBD delivery and effects, CBD vaping may expose the lungs to irritation, cancer, and many other complications.

Does Vaping CBD Make You High?

Many people would like to know the effects of CBD in the body, and you are likely not exceptional. Will CBD vaping make you high? Bauer et al. (2020) and Kicman & Toczek (2020) noted that CBD is non-psychoactive and does not cause a high effect in smoking weed. Thus, CBD vaping oil will less likely make you high. Still, much of this depends on the THC percentage in the vape oil. CBD isolates have no THC and as long as you buy your vape oils from a reputable brand, rest assured that you will not feel high from them. Meanwhile, full-spectrum CBD vape oils may have THC; depending on its percentage, you might feel a little intoxicated from vaping. Most CBD vape oils have less than 0.3% THC and will less likely make you high, but as the THC percentage rises, you may get intoxicated from the vape oil. Thus, you can choose between CBD vape oils in isolate or full-spectrum formulations, depending on whether or not you want the high effect.

Does CBD Vaping Make You Fail Drug Tests?

The other concern with vaping CBD oil is whether it will show up in drug tests. The world is fast evolving, and many recruitment and interview sessions involve taking drug tests. Will vaping CBD make you fail drug tests? Drug tests look for THC and THC metabolites in the body. Whether your CBD vape oil features THC or its metabolites tells whether you will fail or pass drug tests. High-quality CBD vape oils from reputable brands will not show up in drug tests. However, full-spectrum CBD vape oils will likely show up in drug tests, so you must go slow on CBD vaping if you anticipate drug tests soon.

CBD Vaping Equipment

CBD vape oil is not like CBD oil. You must vape it, so you need CBD vaping equipment. There are many ways to vape CBD oil, and you can use CBD vape tanks, carts, and pens. Most of the CBD vaping equipment comes in disposable and refillable options, each having pros and cons you must deal with. For instance, refillable CBD vaping equipment saves you costs since you only have to buy the vaping oil and not the equipment. However, they might be bulkier than the disposable CBD vaping equipment, making it challenging to carry them around. However, with disposable CBD vaping equipment, you will enjoy the convenience of moving around with the equipment since they are easy to carry and lightweight. However, the cost of buying new equipment every time means spending a lot on CBD vaping, which might be expensive in the long run.

What to Look for in CBD Vape Oil

Buying CBD vape oil and equipment is one thing and getting quality products is another. As noted earlier, the CBD world is largely unregulated, and vaping can easily let contaminants into your system. Thus, how you choose your CBD vape oil and equipment matters. There are many CBD brands in the hemp space, and finding the best brand is not easy. However, you can choose to work with organic CBD brands that have no inorganic ingredients in their CBD vape oils. Besides, you must focus on reputation when choosing the CBD company to work with. You can read the customer’s comments on the review section of the CBD company you are buying the CBD vape oil and equipment from, but you could go as far as reading CBD reviews on CBD forums and reputable sites like Reddit, BBB+, and the FDA. Since you cannot tell how genuine a brand can be from its website, ensure you always get the 3rd party test results of the CBD vape oil you are buying. With such, you can tell how pure the CBD vape oil is and the different percentages of THC, CBD, and other cannabinoids in it. You can never be too sure about the quality of the CBD vape oil and how safe it will be for you, but with the 3rd party test results, you have a rough idea of what you are taking.

How to Enjoy CBD Vaping

Although the safety and health concerns about CBD vaping are yet to be unveiled, people vape anyways. How do you get the most from CBD vaping? First, ensure you get quality CBD vape oils and equipment by buying them from reputable brands that conduct 3rd party tests. Next, focus on the right CBD formulation when choosing CBD vape oil, whether isolate or full-spectrum CBD. The other thing you must do to enjoy vaping is to choose the right potency for CBD oil. Too much CBD vape oil overwhelms your system, while too little CBD might not result in any effects. With the right brand, CBD formulation, and CBD potency, vape responsibly.

Vaping CBD Responsibly

If your state considers CBD vaping legal, you can buy, sell, possess, and use CBD vape oils without rubbing shoulders with authorities the wrong way. Still, you must vape responsibly to avoid affecting others. Of course, vaping is not everybody’s cup of tea. Thus, ensure you vape CBD in a vaping zone or in a way you don’t affect others. Legal vaping does not mean violating others’ rights; you must not do so with CBD vaping.

How Much CBD Should Be in the CBD Vape Oil?

How much CBD should be in your CBD vape oil? The FDA does not look at CBD as a medication for any health condition, so it does not recommend how much CBD should be in CBD products. Thus, there are no recommendations on how one uses CBD. As a general rule of thumb, you must keep your potencies and dosages low as you use any CBD product. As you get used to the CBD world, your system can take more CBD, and you will be able to determine how much CBD you can take. CBD metabolism, your health condition, weight, and the reason behind taking CBD vape oils will all affect how much CBD you can take.

How Much Do You Need to Vape?

Besides choosing the right CBD potency for the CBD vape oils you are using, you must know how much CBD to vape. Still, as with CBD vape oil dosing and potency, there are no recommendations on how much one can vape CBD oil. One CBD user may be ok taking only a puff of the vape oil, while another might have to take several frequent puffs to feel CBD effects. CBD history matters since you can only vape a little CBD as you venture into the vaping world and work your way up as you get used to CBD vape oils. It’s no wonder that CBD veterans can vape more potent CBD vape oils while novices can only take a little CBD with vapes.

Are CBD Vape Oils Legal?

The legality of CBD vape oils is critical, and you must be certain about it before venturing into it. It starts with getting the answer to the question of whether CBD is legal. Following the passing of the Farm Bill in 2018, CBD became federally legal. However, the legality of CBD vape oils and other products differs from one state to the other since the same bill granted states the freedom to set their cannabis laws. CBD vape oils might be legal in one status and illegal in another, so you must research your state’s CBD laws before opting for CBD vaping.

Should You Vape CBD Oils?

Vaping CBD oil as the key way to take CBD into your system is your choice. Like any CBD product, CBD vaping has pros and cons you must deal with. CBD vaping allows you to enjoy fast CBD delivery and effects but it increases the risk of lung conditions. The lack of CBD regulation also affects the safety of CBD vape oils and studies are yet to prove that CBD stands true to the claims linked to it.


CBD vaping is the fastest way to let CBD into your system. It entails using a CBD vaporizer to take CBD oil which does not contain any actual oil. You can vape CBD using a vape tank, cart, or pen. Although CBD vaping allows fast delivery and results with the non-psychoactive cannabinoid, many bodies and research agents warn against increasing one’s risk for lung irritation, infection, and cancer. Most CBD vape oils have isolate and full-spectrum CBD, which one must choose from when joining the CBD regime. The FDA does not recommend how much CBD one needs to vape, so you must determine this before choosing to vape. With the right CBD brand, formulation, and quality, you can rest assured of the CBD vape oil you are consuming.


AP News (2019). How the Associated Press Collected Information on CBD Vapes.

Bauer, B. A. (2020). What Are The Benefits Of CBD–And Is It Safe To Use? In Mayo Clinic.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Outbreak of lung injury associated
       with the use of e-cigarette, or vaping, products.

Forbes Health (2022). What to Know About Types of CBD.

Kicman, A., & Toczek, M. (2020). The effects of cannabidiol, a non-intoxicating
       compound of cannabis, on the cardiovascular system in health and disease.
       International journal of molecular sciences, 21(18), 6740.

Mascal, M., Hafezi, N., Wang, D., Hu, Y., Serra, G., Dallas, M. L., & Spencer, J. P. (2019).
       Synthetic, non-intoxicating 8, 9-dihydrocannabidiol for the mitigation of seizures.
       Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-6.

Watt, G., & Karl, T. (2017). In vivo evidence for therapeutic properties of cannabidiol
       (CBD) for Alzheimer’s disease. Frontiers in pharmacology, 8, 20.

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