The CBD industry might be new but has witnessed tremendous growth and changes. As it is being increasingly adopted, so are its regulations and innovations.

Cannabinoids can be obtained from various sources; however, hemp and marijuana are the two most common sources of cannabinoids, and as such, they are referred to as phytocannabinoids. In addition, they can also be synthesized in laboratories and are then referred to as synthetic cannabinoids. There are various laws regarding synthetic cannabinoids that differ from natural cannabinoids. CBD oil can be made into various products tailored to suit user needs. For instance, CBD topicals can be used to provide relief to muscle soreness after workouts. This is possible through a special system in the body with which CBD interacts. While CBD may have a variety of novel uses, one must be skeptical about its benefits as more research is needed to verify them.

What Is CBD

CBD is a cannabinoid that is closely related to THC. These two compounds are the major cannabinoids from hemp, making up at least forty percent of the total cannabinoids profile. Cannabinoids can also be in the form of synthetics made in laboratories. According to (Sekar et al., (2019) Epidiolex, a synthetic form of CBD used to reduce seizure attacks in patients who have epilepsy. Ongoing research suggests that it might have more than one benefit, especially when used with other cannabinoids and hemp extract compounds.

How CBD Works

The body has two separate systems that aid in modulating body functions such as sleep, heartbeat, body temperature, and management of sleep. The central nervous system is responsible for managing body control. According to Mouslech, et al. (2009) ECS, is responsible for managing issues such as the production of body hormones, regulation of body temperature, and management of immunity response systems. CBD interacts with ECS by binding to CB1 and CB2 receptors, which can alter the way the body functions. For instance, CB1 receptors are found on the skin surface; by binding to this receptor, As stated by (Oláh et al., 2014), CBD can alter the skin’s immune response and regulate sebum production, thus preventing skin problems

CBD Categories

CBD is mainly obtained from hemp plant material. The whole plant material may be used to extract oils that contain CBD compounds. Various extraction methods may be employed to yield different CBD extracts depending on the concentration, purity, and presence of additional compounds. The three main categories of hemp extracts are:

Full spectrum CBD oil Hemp contains different compounds at different concentration levels. They make up the full spectrum of CBD oil when extracted together with CBD. It is best used when one wants to experience the entourage effect. However, it contains trace amounts of THC, which are insufficient to cause one to be high.
Broad spectrum CBD oil – This hemp extract is similar to full spectrum only that it does not contain any THC. You may find additional cannabinoids such as CBN, CBG, CBDV, and CBC. Most broad-spectrum CBD oils will also contain extra compounds, terpenes, and minerals that bolster broad-spectrum CBD oil’s overall usefulness.
CBD isolate – This is a pure form of CBD with concentration levels of up to ninety-nine percent. However, it is odorless and tasteless and looks like icing sugar. It is useful for making various CBD products like topicals, gummies, and other capsule-like forms of CBD.

Where To Buy CBD In Bournemouth

Bournemouth is a large city well interconnected to other areas of the country. Purchasing CBD is easy as several stores deal in CBD products. CBD can be purchased either online or from brick-and-mortar stores. These are discussed below as follows:

Online Stores

Given the present circumstances, this may be the best buying CBD in Bournemouth. It has several advantages make it a more viable source of CBD oil. First, online purchases are cheaper. This might be due to economies of scale of low operation costs. In addition, online stores sport a variety of goods such as cookies, cakes, capsules, tinctures, vapes, and CBD gummies, among others. However, due to numerous growths in the cannabis industry, more suspicious websites are cropping up that con and scam unknown users. At times, goods supplied from an online store may take too long to arrive, making them unsuitable when dealing with emergencies. Most can be spotted as they often falsely advertise CBD’s miraculous healing powers.

Brick-And-Mortar Stores

There is an alternative shopping method for getting CBD products. There are several walk in-stores in Bournemouth that sell CBD products. These include Apex Vape & CBD, The CBD Flower Shop, Gifty CBD, and The Third Side. Brick-and-mortar stores have some added advantages over their online counterpart. For starters, these stores offer instant ownership of your favorite CBD product. One can also physically inspect the good and discern its attributes like aroma and flavor. In addition, most store owners are medical professionals who can help you choose the best CBD product for your current issue. They can also be tedious to get to, especially if someone resides on the outskirts of Bournemouth. Moreover, brick-and-mortar stores are generally expensive to run, given the number of licenses required and huge operation costs, which are then passed down to the consumer.

CBD Laws In Bournemouth

Bournemouth does not sport its regional laws concerning the use and dissemination of CBD and its related products. It, however, uses its national laws as the parliament passes them. These include the following:

Farming Regulations

Individuals are not allowed to grow hemp for personal use. Farmers can, however, apply for a license from the Home Office to practice hemp farming. Farmers are allowed to grow hemp for its fiber, stalks, and seeds. It is, however, prohibited to farm hemp for commercial production of CBD oil. However, recently, there have been ongoing debates on whether to ease this regulation as CBD oil is seen as an important source of income for hemp farmers.

Selling Requirements

One cannot sell CBD without the permission of the Home Office. It is a legal requirement to apply for a Home Office license, which shall conduct several assessments to determine if you can be a licensed CBD oil vendor. In addition, vendors must be approved by a medical body as the dissemination of these compounds can alter how the body functions.

What To Look for When Buying CBD Oil

Even though there are numerous counterfeit CBD products, you can watch out for these key issues to prevent yourself from being a con victim. You can always ask for a certificate of analysis to show you the compounds present. Also, demand a link or details to the laboratory that conducted an independent analysis of your product’s chemical profile. Always look for organic CBD oil as some manufacturers sell synthetic CBD as natural. Avoid the latter as often it will not contain an earthy aroma.


CBD has the potential to improve human health in a variety of ways. It can be useful in treating certain medical conditions and help reduce the side affects others. CBD can only be obtained from hemp due to its naturally low levels of THC, which is still prohibited. One can get CBD in Bournemouth either from online stores or from the few brick-and-mortar stores. You should always be clear on what you want to use CBD for. Otherwise, it is prudent to seek advice from legal and medical professionals.


Mouslech, Z., & Valla, V. (2009). Endocannabinoid system: An overview of its potential
        in current medical practice. Neuro endocrinology letters, 30(2), 153–179.

Oláh, A., Tóth, B., Borbíró, I., Sugawara, K., Szöllõsi, A., & Czifra, G. et al. (2014).
        Cannabidiol exerts sebostatic and antiinflammatory effects on human
        sebocytes. Journal Of Clinical Investigation, 124(9), 3713-3724. doi: 10.1172/jci64628

Sekar, K., & Pack, A. (2019). Epidiolex as an adjunct therapy for refractory epilepsy: a
        comprehensive review focusing on adverse effects. F1000Research, 8, F1000 Faculty
        Rev-234. https://doi.org/10.12688/f1000research.16515.1

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